My name is Peter Bosch, By day I am a software developer at a small firm and a Computer Science/Physics/Astronomy student at Leiden University. When I am not at uni or work, I tend to spend too much time on projects, which I will document on this website. I also occasionally mess around with radios, when doing so I use the callsign PB1X.

The articles on this site are a mixture of new writeups about current and past projects as well as content from previous personal websites I have had over the years. This means that some of the content represents my skills and interests right now but other posts can be over 5 years old and refer to work I did years earlier still.

The main categories of content I will be documenting here will be:

  • Software projects
  • Analog and digital electronics projects
  • Security research writeups
  • Vintage computers I own and have restored

A lot of the hardware hacking and security research has been made possible by the hackerspace RevSpace in The Hague, Netherlands and the physics department at my university.